Arts, Culture & Heritage
Boasting a wealth of cultural heritage, east central Alberta is laced with over 50 museums and historic sites throughout the region, featuring a variety of interesting collections all ages will enjoy. Historic Main Streets, murals, and unique roadside attractions are located throughout communities across the region.Art Galleries
Fort Saskatchewan Dow Centennial Centre Art Gallery
Lloydminster Cultural & Science Centre
4420-50 Ave. – 306-825-5655
Strathcona County Art Gallery
501 Festival Ave.– 780-410-8585
The Gallery in the Lutheran Church
4916 - 49 Ave. Holden – 780-603-9387
Tofield Beaverhill Lake Nature Centre Art Gallery
Viking The Station Gallery & Arts Centre Guild
White Earth Gallery of Art CN Station
Smoky Lake – 780-656-3918
Museums & Historic Sites
Paradise Valley Climb Thru Time Museum
Lougheed Iron Creek Museum Hwy 13
Radway Krause Grain Elevator
Grain Elevators
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