Edgerton Sand Castle Campground
Wainwright Riverdale Mini Park & Golf Course
Golfing and Camping make a great combo in the
Wainwright & Area Campgrounds!Communities included in this section are Chauvin,Edgerton,Irma, and Wainwright
Dillberry Provincial Park – Open mid-May – Sept. 83 sites, flush toilets, dump station, showers, firewood, store, fish cleaning stations. Services: (P/N). Recreation: beach, swimming, playground, sport fishing, sand dunes, x-country skiing, hiking, 13.5 km of trails. SE of Chauvin on Hwy 17. 780-858-6915King’s Park Campground – Open May 15-Oct 15, 12 sites, flush toilets, showers, dump station. Services: (PWS). In town by Water Tower. 780-858-3881
Edgerton Golf Course Campground – Open May – Sept. 27 sites, caretaker, firewood, golf, playground, licensed dining. Services: (P) East on Hwy 610. 780-755-2462.
Edgerton Sand Castle Campground – Open May – Oct, 12 sites, dump station, picnic area, play area, Services: (PWS), 50 Ave & Hwy 894. 780-755-3933.
Ribstone Campsite – Open May – Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter. Services (N). On Hwy 14, 15 km E of Edgerton turnoff.Irma
Irma Campground – 50 sites, group camping, flush toilets, showers, dump station, day use area. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Baseball. In town.
Irma Golf Club RV Park – 12 sites 30 amp (P/W). 780-754-2184Wainwright
Arm Lake Recreation Area – Open May-Sept. 124 sites, caretaker, concession, dump stn, laundromat, showers. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Recreation: golf course, beach, boating, playground, trails, next to Clear Lake with boat launch, fishing, 15 km of trails. 15 km E of Wainwright on Hwy. 14, 7 km S on Hwy. 610, follow signs. 780-842-4727Dr. Middlemass Campground – Open: April – Oct. 30 sites, day use area, dump stn, firewood, flush toilets, showers, laundromat, picnic shelter. Services: 15 amp (PWS/N) WiFi. Recreation: playground, trails. At 805-15 St. Wainwright. 780-842-3541
Fabyan Campsite – Open: May – Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter. 12 km W of Wainwright in River Valley along Hwy 14. 780-842-4454
Wainwright Golf Club RV Park – 780-842-3046
Riverdale Mini Park – Open: May – Sept. 110 sites, concession/dining, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelter, caretaker on site. Services: 30 amp (PWS). Recreation: playground, baseball, volleyball, 18 hole golf course, mini-golf, horseshoe pits, trails, hiking, biking. beach, swimming, canoeing on Battle River. 16.4 km N of Wainwright on Hwy 41. 780-842-2996
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