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Go East of Edmonton Regional TourismMEMBER BENEFITS
We have proven results as more people every year are reading our travel guides, website and social media! Now reaching over 500,000 people that are actual users of Go East of Edmonton.
Website Advertising
Travel Guide
Radio Promotions
Roadtrip & Special Campaigns
Social Media Promotion
Event Promotions
Digital Promotions
One on One Support

Put the POWER of Go East of Edmonton to Work for YOU!
Our Tourism Region
Together we will continue to promote and grow rural tourism for our businesses, organizations and communities, in the East Central and Northeast Alberta region.
Our Experienced Team Offers
Tourism Marketing & Development
Digital Marketing: Web, Social Media, Videos, Blogs, TV, Radio, Billboards
Most Comprehensive Events Calendar & Tourism Directory
Industry Hub, Training Workshops and Events
Join our Social Community @GoEastofEdmonton
Ask about Funding & Support Programs
As a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), we work with Travel Alberta, Explore Edmonton and many other Organizations & Communities to help Grow Tourism!